Terms of Service

Getting Started

To use our app, you’ll need to authorize with X OAuth. We’ll do our best to provide accurate metrics based on the X API.

Free Trial

Enjoy a 7-days free trial with no credit card required. You’ll get to try out all the cool features, except for getting a spot in the public leaderboard and a public URL to your profile.

Payments and Refunds

After the trial, we require a one-time payment. We’ll do our best to keep the service running for as long as possible. You’ll get at least a year, unless there are major changes to the X API. In that case, we guarantee at least six months. If we shut down before that time, you are eligible to get a refund. Otherwise, our no-refund policy applies due to the extensive free trial provided.

Play Nice

Don’t post anything NSFW or spread hate speech. We reserve the right to suspend users who violate these guidelines.


If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us at support@uglyduckling.app.

Ugly Duckling
Consistency on 𝕏 made easier.
© 2024. Built by @norbertjurga.